Todd Stockwell




Beyonder Program


    Click Todd's photo for his bio

The Beyonder Program is a gift from the Hierarchy of Light to empower people “beyond” their human condition.
Beyonder I consists of two parts:

1)  The Higher Self Anchoring and Integration Process

This process “anchors” your Higher Self directly and permanently into your heart center.

From this connection you have immediate accessibility to bringing through clear guidance and information, and will be able to see things from a higher perspective.

As you experience your true self in a more tangible, consistent way, you will feel more at peace with yourself and the world around you.


2)  The Beyonder I Empowerments

A series of 12 sessions of empowerments that each bestows a specific gift to you from the Hierarchy of Light.

Each of these is intended as a key (tool) for you to hold more light, and as a result, have more energy and greater protection from which to heal, create and manifest in the world. This program empowers any other program you are working with.

Personal Grid Empowerment which assists in healing and restructuring your energy patterns. It also facilitates releasing negative beliefs and thoughts, and their resulting behaviors.

Crystal Sword of Light Empowerment that goes from your 3rd eye down to your feet and across your shoulders. The energy from it provides protection from outer negativity. This empowerment is amplified with each successive empowerment.

The Empowerment of the Word gives you insight behind the words that others use. This source connection also empowers you to speak more directly from your heart, which lets others understand you more clearly.  

The Empowerment of Light is a gift that comes through as a laser tool. Using your Higher Self as guidance, this laser light may be called upon in any healing modality for clearing. The empowerment from the Crystal Sword enhances the use of this gift.

The Empowerment of Thought is the gift of connection with “Divine Thought.” It creates a tunnel from your heart (vs. your mind), directly into the “Christ Reality.” This is “knowing” what the highest good is for all in a situation. This connected information can serve to guide your choices instead of using intellectual analysis or judgment.

The Empowerment of Fire gives you the spark and passion of creation to use in all aspects of your life. By “igniting” this fire, you melt away issues that have been frozen, moving you forward in your life and on your path.

The Empowerment of Truth is an enhancement of the Gift of the Word, working as an extra kind of “knowing,” feeling clearly when others are speaking actual truth. This gift taps into your specific truth, so you can move freely and abundantly along your path.

The Empowerment of Power is to be able to stand clear of chaos. You “see” from a higher and more divine perspective, and can teach others to shift their sight as well.

The Empowerment of Hidden Knowledge is the source of true understanding. You “know” what has shaped the lives of others and how to use that in your work with them. Your wisdom is finely tuned to serve the highest good of all in their healing process.

The Empowerment of the Shield is a unique structure and empowerment, which surrounds you, allowing you to travel easily through other realms and other dimensions. You are “cloaked” and protected in all circumstances.

The Empowerment of Love is full connection to the Divine Agape Love. It comes to you as a rainbow to be used to create a bridge between you and those you are meant to work with, lighting your path. Self healing unfolds with ease and Divine Agape Love then flows out from you.

The Empowerment of Oneness is an ever expanding connection with the “Elohim” energy, which is the light that comes from our universal source, Creator Force. This is the energy that facilitates creation and healing within you and in the world with others.

Higher Self Anchoring and Integration



Beyonder I

Series of 12 Empowerments

(Each Session is $100)
